Notarization of documents or signatures
Source: BUS Rheinland-PfalzDocuments (copies, duplicates, negatives, electronic documents and printouts of electronic documents) as well as signatures and hand signs can be notarized. A distinction must first be made between official and public certification.
Official certification is governed by the State Administrative Procedure Act in conjunction with the Federal Administrative Procedure Act (VwVfG) and only applies to documents whose original has been issued by an authority or whose copy is required for submission to an authority (unless the issue of certified copies from official registers and archives is reserved exclusively for other authorities). A signature or hand mark can also be officially certified if the signed document is required for submission to an authority or other body to which it must be submitted under a legal provision.
The legal basis for public certification of signatures is the German Civil Code. Public notarization of a signature is only permitted in cases that are prescribed by law.