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mixins.searchInfo_searchTermApplying for an extension of a main operating plan for mining

Applying for an extension of a main operating plan for mining

Source: BUS Rheinland-Pfalz

In order to set up and run an exploration, extraction or processing operation, you as an entrepreneur need an approved main operating plan.

An operating plan is used to monitor operations. It generally includes comprehensive explanations and planning documents for planned mining measures, for example with regard to

  • Location and extent,
  • technical implementation
  • scheduling,
  • possible effects on people and the environment,
  • Measures to avoid and minimize negative effects on the environment,
  • operational and occupational safety.

The duration of the main operating plan is usually several years. The competent authority decides on the duration on a case-by-case basis. An important criterion here is the foreseeability of the operating plan. In practice, the term can then be extended by a few years without a new main operating plan having to be drawn up and comprehensively reviewed.

With the extension of the license, you may continue to explore, extract and process mineral resources that are subject to the Federal Mining Act. These include energy resources such as hard coal and lignite or crude oil and natural gas, but also metals, salts, geothermal energy and lithium.

For online application:

Your responsible office:

Landesamt für Geologie und Bergbau

Emy-Roeder-Str. 5
55129 Mainz
Lift available, wheelchair accessible
Parking Place: Number: , Fees no
Postal address 10 02 55
55133 Mainz
Lift available, wheelchair accessible
Parking Place: Number: , Fees no
06131 9254-0
06131 9254-123
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