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mixins.searchInfo_searchTermHave the collective waste disposal certificate approved

Have the collective waste disposal certificate approved

Source: BUS Rheinland-Pfalz

Disposal, i.e. recovery or disposal, including the collection and transportation of hazardous waste, is subject to a verification procedure under waste legislation. Waste producers as well as holders, transporters, collectors and disposers of hazardous waste are obliged to do so. Private households and small-scale producers who do not generate more than two tons of hazardous waste per year are exempt.

Are you subject to the obligation to keep records of hazardous waste and do you generate less than 20 tons per year and waste type? You can organize the disposal via a collective record of a carrier and do not need to participate in the electronic record procedure as a producer, because in this case the electronic procedure is managed by the carrier who has had the collective disposal record approved.

In addition to the obligation to provide evidence, Rhineland-Palatinate also has an obligation to deliver hazardous waste.

The obligation to deliver is checked and decided as part of the official confirmation.

For online application:

Your responsible office:

SAM Sonderabfall-Management-Gesellschaft Rheinland-Pfalz mbH

Wilhelm-Theodor-Römheld-Straße 34
55130 Mainz
+49 6131 98298-0
+49 6131 98298-22
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