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mixins.searchInfo_searchTermInterventions in nature and landscape: Impact regulation

Interventions in nature and landscape: Impact regulation

Source: BUS Rheinland-Pfalz
The impact regulation in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG) and the State Nature Conservation Act (LNatSchG) includes the involvement of nature conservation in all planning and measures that could have a significant impact on the ecosystem or the landscape. The focus is on avoiding such impairments.
Unavoidable impairments may make the project inadmissible or must be compensated for by suitable compensatory or replacement measures. The documentation of the existing situation prior to the implementation of the intervention as well as its effects, planned avoidance measures and compensation must be submitted by the project developer in a nature conservation report for technical review.

The nearest responsible office to you:

Verbandsgemeinde Vordereifel - Fachbereich 4 - Kommunale Infrastruktur

Kelberger Str. 26
56727 Mayen
02651 8009-0
02651 8009-20

Department 4

Head: Andreas Pung

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