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mixins.searchInfo_searchTermApply for funding for energy consulting for residential buildings

Apply for funding for energy consulting for residential buildings

Source: BUS Rheinland-Pfalz

The program "Bundesförderung für Energieberatung für Wohngebäude" of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) can be used for residential buildings. It is aimed at

  • Owners of single-family and multi-family houses,
  • condominium owners' associations,
  • usufructuaries and
  • tenants and
  • tenants.

Funding is provided for consulting costs amounting to 80 percent of the eligible consulting fee:

  • a maximum of EUR 1,300 for detached or semi-detached houses and
  • a maximum of EUR 1,700 for residential buildings with 3 or more units.

Condominium owners' associations receive a bonus of EUR 500.00 if the consulting results are presented at a special meeting (for example, at an advisory board meeting or a condominium owners' meeting).

The funding program is handled by an energy consultant. The energy consultant applies for the funds himself/herself. The energy consultant receives the energy consulting subsidy from BAFA and issues an invoice reduced by the subsidy amount.

The energy consultant must present the consulting results in an energy consulting report, preferably an individual renovation roadmap (iSFP). He or she will hand this over to you and explain it to you.
Funding is granted according to the regulations of the de minimis regulation if the owner of the residential building is an enterprise in the sense of the recommendation concerning the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

Your responsible office:

Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA) Referat 515 – Energieberatung

Frankfurter Straße 29-35
65760 Eschborn
+49 6196 908-1880
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