You must submit the electronic wage statement via a certified payroll accounting program or corresponding completion aids, for example the SV-Meldeportal.
If you submit the report via a payroll accounting program:
- Make sure that you are using the latest version of your payroll accounting program.
If you are submitting information on your employees' pay, you will need the following data:
- Name of the responsible employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund
- Company number at the responsible employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund
PIN for digital wage statement
- You will receive the access data from the relevant employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund together with the membership documents or the notification of the company's assessment by post. You can also apply for the access data at a later date.
- Retrieve your master data. This will ensure that you only send wage statements with the correct company number and actually assessed risk tariff centers to the relevant employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.
- Your company data, such as company number, company number of the accident insurance institution, company number and PIN, are stored in the payroll accounting program. This allows you to call up the master data in the master data file at your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.
- By retrieving the master data, your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund concludes that your company has employees in the respective contribution year and pays them.
- The responsible accident insurance institution now expects the electronic wage statement for this contribution year.
- Transfer the reported data to the payroll accounting program. Then check the assignment of all employees to the risk tariff center and adjust it if necessary.
The following data is transmitted with the digital wage statement:
- Company number at the responsible accident insurance institution
- Company number of the responsible accident insurance institution
related to the risk tariff center:
- Pay subject to contributions
- Hours worked by all employees
- Number of employees
Note: If
you use several payroll areas in your company, you must retrieve the master data for each area and report the wage statements.
If you make the report using a completion aid:
- Your company's master data is retrieved automatically immediately before you submit the wage statement. A separate query is therefore not necessary.