Apply for maternity benefit as a privately insured person or with a statutory health insurance fund as a family insured person
Source: BUS Rheinland-PfalzDuring your protection periods before and after the birth and for the day of delivery, you can apply for maternity benefit from the Federal Social Security Office (BAS), provided you are not a member of a statutory health insurance fund and meet the other requirements. This applies, for example, if you have family or private health insurance. This also applies if you work in a marginal employment relationship, i.e. a mini-job. The maternity protection periods usually begin 6 weeks before the birth and end 8 to 12 weeks afterwards.
The maximum amount of maternity benefit payable is EUR 13 per day. However, the maternity benefit paid by the Federal Social Security Office (BAS) is limited by law to EUR 210. The maternity benefit from the BAS is calculated on a calendar day basis in the same way as for health insurance. The amount is calculated from your net salary, i.e. your average daily income for the last 3 months before the start of your protection period after statutory deductions.