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mixins.searchInfo_searchTermApply for funding for in-company training for people with disabilities who are fully incapacitated for work

Apply for funding for in-company training for people with disabilities who are fully incapacitated for work

Source: BUS Rheinland-Pfalz

Are you currently unable, not yet or not yet able to return to the general labor market due to the nature or severity of your disability and would still like to complete regular training? Then the Federal Employment Agency will provide a budget for training under certain conditions, provided it is your responsible rehabilitation provider.

One prerequisite is that you conclude a contract with a company for a training relationship subject to social insurance contributions in a recognized training occupation or for specialist practical training.

If you do not yet have a training place, the employment agency will initially support you in your search for a (suitable) training place on request.

Only initial vocational training is supported, not further training.

During training, the following benefits are supported with the training budget:

  • The company is reimbursed the training allowance including the employer's contribution to social insurance.
  • The costs of any guidance and support required at the training location and vocational school due to the disability are covered.
  • If the school-based part of the training is carried out in a vocational rehabilitation facility due to the disability, the necessary costs will be covered.

You can choose who supports you and you organize the services yourself. However, the necessary scope of support will be checked and agreed beforehand according to your individual needs. You obtain quotes and ask suitable professionals to take over your guidance and support and describe how their support should be provided in concrete terms. On this basis, your advisor decides and approves the amount of the benefit, for example.

You are also entitled to a training allowance during the support period. However, your training allowance will be deducted from this.

You will receive the training budget for as long as you need it. At most, however, until you have successfully completed your training.

If several people who are supported with a training budget work in the same company, they can also receive guidance or support together.

If you discover during your training that you would prefer to receive services in the entry procedure and vocational training area in a workshop for people with disabilities or with another service provider, you can switch. The periods of the budget for training will then be credited to the duration of the entry procedure and vocational training area, if applicable.

The nearest responsible office to you:

Kontaktformular auf der Internetseite der Bundesagentur für Arbeit

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