Apply for inpatient preventive services such as a cure for people with statutory health insurance
Source: BUS Rheinland-PfalzThe principle of outpatient before inpatient care applies to preventive medical services. However, if outpatient preventive care at a state-recognized health resort is not sufficient because, for example
- you are physically severely impaired,
- you require intensive medical care or
- it is necessary due to special family or professional circumstances,
your health insurance fund must approve an application for inpatient preventive care. In addition to treatment, this also includes accommodation and meals at the spa clinic.
Medical necessity
Your health insurance company can only approve inpatient treatment if you have previously exhausted all outpatient treatment options at your place of residence. Your doctor must justify the necessity of the treatment to your health insurance company in the application.
A cure can be considered medically necessary if
- it can prevent an impending illness or avoid its worsening or
- the need for care is avoided or
- a risk to the health development of a child can be counteracted.
Inpatient preventive care services should be provided for a maximum of 3 weeks - unless an extension of the service is urgently required for medical reasons.
In individual cases, spa stays abroad are also possible, please contact your health insurance fund for more information.