Apply for frequency allocation for wireless network access (campus networks)
Source: BUS Rheinland-PfalzDue to the use of new broadband communication technologies, the demand for wireless connections is increasing. Wireless network access enables fast and relatively inexpensive transmission.
Frequencies for wireless network access are for the most part allocated individually. This is intended to ensure that the allocated frequencies are used as efficiently and without interference as possible.
You must apply to the Federal Network Agency for the allocation of frequencies for wireless network access. The following instructions must be observed:
- The radio equipment intended for use must comply with the basic legal requirements of the Radio Equipment Act (FuAG). This can be done by declaring conformity with the relevant European standards. For all new frequency allocations, the Federal Network Agency assumes that digital system technology will be used.
- You have no legal claim to the allocation of specific transmission frequencies, polarizations and band positions. However, you can apply for desired parameters. As part of the allocation procedure, the Federal Network Agency checks whether these or other frequencies are available and can be coordinated. This involves compatibility with other radio applications already in operation in Germany and abroad.
- The frequency allocation defines the usage parameters that you must comply with in order to protect other frequency uses. If necessary, you will receive the allocations subject to coordination with neighboring countries. In this case, you bear the risk as the applicant.
- In connection with frequency assignment, the Federal Network Agency does not take on any tasks relating to technical planning, radio field testing or project planning for radio equipment. These tasks must be carried out by you or by companies commissioned by you.