Submit measurement report on continuous measurements of air pollutants in medium-sized combustion plants
Source: BUS Rheinland-PfalzPlease contact the relevant Structure and Permits Directorate.
Fee: free of charge
- § 26 Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz (BImSchG)
- § 29 Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz (BImSchG)
- § 29 Verordnung über mittelgroße Feuerungs-, Gasturbinen- und Verbrennungsmotoranlagen (44. BImSchV)
- Appendix (to § 1) Sequential numbers 1.3.2, 1.3.6 of the State Ordinance on Responsibilities in the Field of Immission Control (Im-SchZuVO)
- § 1 State Ordinance on Responsibilities in the Field of Immission Control (ImSchZuVO)
- § 2 State Ordinance on Responsibilities in the Field of Immission Control (ImSchZuVO)
- § 7 Administrative Organization Reform Act (VwORG)
- § 8 Administrative Organisation Reform Act (VwORG)
State Office for the Environment (Notification Body for Experts and Measuring Points)
For online application:
Your responsible office:
Struktur- und Genehmigungsdirektion Nord
Stresemannstraße 3-5
56068 Koblenz
56068 Koblenz
Transport connection
Stop Stadttheater
- Bus:
- ab Hauptbahnhof - Linien 3/13, 8, 9, 358, 46, Linie 9
Postal address
Postal address 20 03 61
56003 Koblenz
56003 Koblenz
Transport connection
Stop Stadttheater
- Bus:
- ab Hauptbahnhof - Linien 3/13, 8, 9, 358, 46, Linie 9
+49 261 120-0
+49 261 120-2200