Apply for a site-specific preliminary assessment to determine whether an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is required in mining
Source: BUS Rheinland-PfalzIf your company is active in mining and you are planning a new mining project, the competent authority may have to carry out a site-specific preliminary assessment. With this site-specific preliminary assessment, the authority determines whether an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is mandatory for your project. The site-specific preliminary assessment takes place in 2 stages:
Stage 1:
- The authority checks whether there are special local conditions at your project site.
- If this is the case, stage 2 follows.
Stage 2:
- The authority checks whether the new project may have significant adverse environmental impacts that affect the particular sensitivity or conservation objectives of the area.
- The authority bases its assessment on the following criteria:
- Characteristics of the project
- Location of the project
- Type and characteristics of possible impacts.
In addition to the site-specific preliminary assessment, there is also a general preliminary assessment. You can find out which projects qualify for the site-specific preliminary assessment in the list "Projects subject to EIA" in Annex 1 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act (UVPG).
During the preliminary assessment, the authority takes into account whether significant adverse environmental impacts are obviously excluded by the characteristics of the project, the site or your precautions. If the authority has the results of upstream environmental assessments or other legally required studies on the environmental impacts of the project, it will include these results in the preliminary assessment.