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mixins.searchInfo_searchTermReport inheritance in the case of a mining license

Report inheritance in the case of a mining license

Source: BUS Rheinland-Pfalz

A mining permit allows you to prospect for and extract a specific mineral resource in a defined area and to acquire ownership of it.

If the holder of a mining permit dies, it is transferred to the heirs. Up to 10 years after the death, the right may also be exercised by those entitled to dispose of it. These are

  • Administrators of the estate,
  • estate curators,
  • executors of the will.

In both cases, you as the heir or person entitled to dispose of the estate must apply to the competent authority for a transfer of the authorization.

For online application:

Your responsible office:

Landesamt für Geologie und Bergbau

Emy-Roeder-Str. 5
55129 Mainz
Lift available, wheelchair accessible
Parking Place: Number: , Fees no
Postal address 10 02 55
55133 Mainz
Lift available, wheelchair accessible
Parking Place: Number: , Fees no
06131 9254-0
06131 9254-123
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