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mixins.searchInfo_searchTermMulti-generational house

Multi-generational house

Source: BUS Rheinland-Pfalz

Multi-generational houses are meeting places within a community that are accessible to everyone. Here, younger people help the elderly and vice versa. They learn from each other and interact with each other.

For children and young people, the multi-generation houses offer various learning and creative offers or even a supervision by, for example, surrogate grandparents. In addition, multi-generational houses also offer further training courses for a successful (re-)entry into professional life or language courses for migrants.

In addition, support is offered to people in need of care and their relatives.

Your responsible office:

Kreisverwaltung Mayen-Koblenz - S 5.2. / Stabsstelle Planung, Kostenwesen

Bahnhofstraße 9
56068 Koblenz
Lift available, wheelchair accessible
0261 108-0
0261 35860

General service hours:

Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 12 noon
from 12 noon by appointment only

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