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mixins.searchInfo_searchTermBeing offered a job opportunity

Being offered a job opportunity

Source: BUS Rheinland-Pfalz

Have you been unemployed for a long time, possibly with health restrictions and would like to get back on your feet professionally? A work opportunity gives you, as a recipient of citizen's allowance, the opportunity to carry out an activity that prepares you for employment on the labor market.

The activities to be carried out must be additional, non-competitive and in the public interest.

A work opportunity can only be considered if your integration into the labor market cannot be achieved with other benefits. A work opportunity usually lasts up to 24 months. It can be extended by up to 12 months.

Work opportunities are carried out by a suitable organization. This can be, for example, an educational institution, a charitable and welfare-oriented company or a non-profit association.

The working hours are determined by the Jobcenter on a case-by-case basis.

Your contact person at the Jobcenter will assign you a work opportunity. In addition to your Citizen's Allowance, you will receive an additional expense allowance, for example for additional travel costs or work clothing. The amount of the additional expense allowance is based on the actual expenses incurred as a result of participating in the work opportunity. You will only receive the additional expenses allowance for hours in which you have actually performed work, i.e. not for sick leave, vacation days, weekends and public holidays.

You are insured against accidents through your training provider.

If you receive benefits in kind from your measure provider from your own funds, such as a monthly bus and train ticket, your additional work allowance will be reduced accordingly. If you receive additional cash benefits from the measure provider, these will be taken into account as income and offset against your citizen's allowance.

The costs required to carry out the work opportunities will be reimbursed to your measure provider.

The decision on a work opportunity is at the discretion of your Jobcenter. You do not have a legal entitlement to this support.

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