Determine the monumental characteristics of a building
Source: BUS Rheinland-PfalzThe inventory, i.e. the recording of monuments and thus the determination of a building's status as a monument, forms the indispensable basis for the work of monument conservation and the preservation of a cultural monument.
- Receipt of a request for a review of the monument value (regarding a possible deletion, re-registration or change of the existing protection status) by e-mail or letter to the monument authority
- Initiation of an examination procedure to check and clarify the monument value by the monument authority. The applicant and the Lower Monument Protection Authority will be informed in writing.
- In the case of already protected cultural monuments, internal search for available, archived data and documents on the property
- If necessary, arrangement of a site visit via the responsible lower monument protection authority for inspection and discussions on site
As soon as the inspection case is filed with sufficient knowledge of the property as well as analog and digital documents and data:
- Systematic preparation of the enquiry/inspection case for the departmental meeting. This includes viewing the photos, data and documents, literature
- Conducting a monument commission with the participation of the scientific staff from the Inventory department and the responsible area consultant from Practical Monument Conservation with expert discussion and subsequent monument decision
- Written information about the result of the review of the monument value to the responsible lower monument protection authority by email/letter and to the applicant
- The monument justification also initiates the procedure for entry in the list of monuments and the consultation process (consultation with the municipality)
- The responsible lower monument protection authority handles the consultation process
- After the consultation process has been completed (but after 6 months at the latest), the cultural monument is added to the list of monuments by the monument protection authority
- The updated list of monuments is then forwarded to the responsible lower monument protection authority and posted on the homepage of the State Monument Preservation Directorate
The request for a review of the monument value and the monument status of an object should:
- Preferably be addressed to the responsible lower monument protection authority of the city or district administration.
This authority will forward the request to the responsible monument authority, in this case the Directorate for the Preservation of Monuments in Mainz, Inventory Office. - to the Inventory Office of the State Monument Preservation Directorate.
The properties or entire complexes whose monument value is to be examined by the monument authority on request should have been built before 1990 and have demonstrable architectural and/or urban qualities and historical or scientific significance.
The requests can concern buildings of various types. Examples include the following:
- Buildings of all types and functions,
- historic green spaces,
- urban quarters,
- town centers,
- hydraulic engineering facilities,
- technical facilities,
- military objects and facilities and much more.
- Address details of the property
- Current informative photos of the property or the entire complex of the exterior, interior, construction details, roof and roof construction
- Site plan with colored mapping of the property
- If available
- Literature excerpts or references
- Historical photos and views
- Plans of the building or complex
There are no fees.
There are no deadlines to be observed.
The Monument Authority acts as an independent specialist authority of the state on the legal basis of the Rhineland-Palatinate Monument Protection Act.
Within the Monument Authority / State Monument Preservation Department, the Inventory Department is responsible for recording monuments.
The request for a review of the monument value and monument status of an object should preferably be addressed to the monument authority via the responsible lower monument protection authority at the city or district administration.
Your responsible office:
Kreisverwaltung Mayen-Koblenz - Referat 9.60 / Bauverwaltung, Kreisstraßen, Wohnraumförderung
56068 Koblenz
Building access
Opening hours
General service hours:
Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 12 noon
from 12 noon by appointment only
Contact person
56068 Koblenz