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mixins.searchInfo_searchTermEqual opportunities and equality for women

Equal opportunities and equality for women

Source: BUS Rheinland-Pfalz

The Basic Law stipulates the promotion of the legal and actual equality of women and men as a state task. The municipalities are also obliged to implement this constitutional mandate.

In Rhineland-Palatinate, the municipalities appoint municipal equal opportunities officers on the basis of the municipal and district regulations. Their task is to stand up for the rights and interests of the female inhabitants of the respective municipality. They ensure that the administration and political bodies take the interests of women and girls into account in their decisions. Through public relations work and events, they contribute to changing awareness in society. They support women seeking advice and interested women in confidential consultation hours. The range of topics includes issues such as reconciling work and family life, returning to work, separation and divorce, social benefits and experiences of violence. The equal opportunities officers also support regional initiatives, projects and plans to improve the situation of women and girls.

Your responsible office:

Kreisverwaltung Mayen-Koblenz - Gleichstellungsstelle, Stabsstelle Familienfreundlicher Landkreis

Bahnhofstraße 9
56068 Koblenz
Lift available, wheelchair accessible
0261 108-0
0261 35860

General service hours:

Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 12 noon
from 12 noon by appointment only

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