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mixins.searchInfo_searchTermCreate report market investigation railroad

Create report market investigation railroad

Source: BUS Rheinland-Pfalz

In order to be able to fulfill its market investigation tasks, the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) needs access to up-to-date and valid information about

  • the rail market in general
  • and the railroad companies in particular.

To this end, the BNetzA surveys numerous companies from the rail sector every year, including for example

  • Railroad undertakings,
  • operators of railroad lines,
  • operators of service facilities and
  • plant railroads.

If you have been invited to take part in the rail market observation and are required to submit your company's key figures to the Federal Network Agency, you can log on to the Federal Network Agency's rail web portal with your access data. There you can edit the forms activated for your company and submit them to the BNetzA. The contents are adapted to different fields of activity in the railroad sector.

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