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mixins.searchInfo_searchTermRoad expansion contributions/recurring road expansion contributions

Road expansion contributions/recurring road expansion contributions

Source: BUS Rheinland-Pfalz

Municipalities levy recurring contributions for the expansion of public roads, paths and squares (traffic facilities). Expansion includes all measures on facilities or installations created for the first time that serve to renew, expand, convert or improve them.

However, you as the property owner only bear part of the costs caused by municipal roads by paying the development contributions. The necessary maintenance and repair measures are borne by the municipality alone. The municipality has to bear its own share of the contributory development measures, the so-called "municipal share". This is between 20 and 75 percent. It is determined by the volume of through traffic in relation to the total traffic volume in the respective road or billing unit.

The remaining part of the annual costs for the expansion of traffic facilities in a settlement unit is allocated to all property owners in the relevant settlement unit when recurring road expansion contributions are levied. Settlement units can be the entire municipal area or parts of it. This depends on the size and structure of the respective municipality.

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