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Apply for an apostille

Source: BUS Rheinland-Pfalz

German public documents and certificates that are intended for use abroad must be notarized in Germany under certain conditions if the foreign state requires this. The following are notarized

  • the authenticity of the signature,
  • the capacity in which the signatory has acted and
  • if applicable, the authenticity of the seal or stamp affixed to the document.

Depending on the country of use, confirmation of the aforementioned points on a document is carried out by certification with subsequent legalization or by issuing an apostille.

  • An apostille is required for countries that have acceded to the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents. You can find out which countries these are in detail on the website of the Federal Foreign Office
  • Documents intended for other (non-acceding) countries are legalized. Legalization is then carried out by a consular official at the diplomatic mission or consular post in Germany of the country in which the document is required.

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