Biotope protection/ biotope maintenance
Source: BUS Rheinland-PfalzBiotopes are habitats of special plant and animal species. These habitats deserve special protection because they are either extremely rare, have a high ecological value or are threatened with destruction. Most of the biotopes found in our region have been created by human activity or are the result of certain forms of land use.
Intensive cultivation, construction work, pollution and other influences can destroy habitats. Damage and destruction of specially protected biotopes caused by ignorance is also illegal. The polluter can be obliged to restore the habitat to its original state.
Biotope protection focuses on the biotic communities and habitats of the various species.
Of particular importance for nature conservation are the near-natural biotopes as relicts of the original natural landscape (natural or near-natural areas of flowing and standing waters including their banks and the associated natural or near-natural vegetation along the banks as well as their natural or near-natural siltation areas, oxbow lakes and regularly flooded areas; Bogs, swamps, reedbeds, wet meadows rich in sedges and rushes, spring areas, inland salt marshes; open inland dunes, open natural boulder, rubble and scree slopes, clay and loess walls, forests and bushes in dry and warm locations; quarry, swamp and riparian forests, ravine, boulder and slope debris forests or open rock formations) as well as the typical elements of the extensively used cultural landscape such as heaths, nutrient-poor grasslands, avenues or orchards in outdoor areas.