Applying for exemptions in accordance with the German Food and Feed Code
Source: BUS Rheinland-PfalzDoes your foodstuff deviate from local legislation? Then you need a special permit to be able to produce, handle and market it in Germany.
You can apply to the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) for the exemption permit. The BVL decides on the exemptions in consultation with the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control.
You must enclose meaningful documents with your application to prove that your product is harmless to health. You can only obtain an exemption for such products. The BVL involves the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment and, if necessary, other authorities in the assessment.
A derogation has no general effect, but is only valid in individual cases. Therefore, a separate exemption must be applied for each product.
Once a derogation has been granted, the authorities of the federal state in which your company is based will monitor the production and distribution process. The labeling, proper production and compliance with the requirements, maximum quantities and formulation on which the exemption is based are checked.
As a rule, exemptions are granted for a maximum of 3 years. You can apply for an extension. You must also submit a corresponding application to extend or amend the exemption granted.