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mixins.searchInfo_searchTermWildlife accident (motor vehicle)

Wildlife accident (motor vehicle)

Source: BUS Rheinland-Pfalz

If there is deer on the road, whether alive or dead, secure the accident site with a warning triangle and/or hazard warning lights to protect the traffic behind and prevent further accidents.

Dead game should only be removed from the road if this is possible without endangering yourself.

If the animal you have hit is still fleeing, do not chase after it, but only mark the scene of the accident and the direction of escape!

Please stay as far away from the injured animal as possible, because the closer you get to the injured animal, the more stressed it becomes. There is also a risk that the animal will try to escape and run onto the road again or that you will be endangered.

Anyone driving a vehicle who has hit or run over wildlife is obliged to report this immediately to the person authorized to take possession or, in local communities, to the local mayor or the municipal administration or the nearest police or forestry office.

Anyone who does not receive help from these persons or offices is entitled to take the game and hand it over to the person authorized to hunt, a game rescue station or a veterinarian licensed in Rhineland-Palatinate for care.

If it is to be feared that the animal cannot be cared for in good health, the person who finds the animal is entitled to kill it or have it killed professionally on site. An animal may only be killed by a person in possession of a valid hunting license in their name or who has acquired professional expertise in the humane killing of animals.

Note on avoiding wildlife accidents:

There is an increased risk of accidents

  • in the morning and evening
  • in July / August during the roe deer rut,

in the field/forest transition area.

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